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16 Christian Parenting Books for Dads, New Dads, and Step-Dads

Books For Christian Dads At All Stages of Fatherhood

Fatherhood is an incredible blessing, but let’s be honest, it can also feel overwhelming. As dads, we want to lead our children well, love them deeply, and point them to Christ, but sometimes, we wonder if we’re doing enough. We question if we’re making the right decisions or if our kids will remember the lessons we try so hard to teach. 

The truth is, none of us have this all figured out, including yours truly, but the good news is, we don’t have to. God has placed wisdom all around us—through His Word, through other godly men, and through powerful resources that help us navigate this journey. 

christian books for parents

That’s why me and the men in our organization, Real Men Connect, put together this list of books for Christian dads. Whether you’re just starting out, raising school-age kids, or leading a blended family, these books will give you practical tools and biblical encouragement to help you stay strong in the leadership role God has called you to.

Christian Books on Parenting

Christian Parenting Books For New Dads & Young Fathers:

  1. "Fathered by God" – John Eldredge

    • Helps men understand their own journey of manhood so they can father well.

  1. "Becoming a Dad: A Spiritual, Emotional, and Practical Guide" – Stephen James & David Thomas

    • A great biblical guide for new dads learning to navigate fatherhood.

  1. "Like Father, Like Son: How Knowing God as Father Changes Men" – Pete Alwinson

    • Encourages men to embrace God’s fatherhood as they become fathers themselves.

  1. "Raising a Modern-Day Knight" – Robert Lewis

    • A must-read for Christian fathers wanting to raise their sons with biblical masculinity.

best christian parenting books

Christian Parenting Books For Dads of Elementary-Aged Kids:

  1. "Bringing Up Boys" – Dr. James Dobson

    • A classic on raising godly young men in today’s culture.

  1. "The Intentional Father" – Jon Tyson

    • Helps Christian dads raise their children with vision, purpose, and intentionality.

  1. "Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family" – Paul David Tripp

    • Biblical principles for shaping a child’s heart, not just their behavior.

  1. "The 5 Love Languages of Children" – Gary Chapman & Ross Campbell

    • Teaches dads how to connect with their kids in ways they truly understand.

  1. "Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters" – Dr. Meg Meeker

    • Equips dads with tools to raise confident and faith-filled daughters.

christian parenting books for dads

Christian Parenting Books For Dads of Middle-Schoolers & Preteens:

  1. "Shepherding a Child’s Heart" – Tedd Tripp

    • A solid guide for fathers who want to disciple their children’s hearts, not just their actions.

  1. "Wild Things: The Art of Nurturing Boys" – Stephen James & David Thomas

    • A helpful look at the emotional and spiritual development of boys.

  1. "Bringing Up Girls" – Dr. James Dobson

    • Biblical wisdom for raising daughters in today’s world.

  1. "Tech-Wise Family" – Andy Crouch

    • Helps fathers set healthy technology boundaries for their children.

  2. "Discipling Your Grandchildren" – Dr. Josh Mulvihill

    • For dads thinking long-term about their legacy

christian parenting books discipline

Christian Parenting Books For Dads of Blended Families:

  1.  For Understanding & Leading a Blended Family Biblically

  • "Blending Families: Merging Households with Kids 8-18" – Jimmy Evans

    • A faith-based approach to helping older kids adjust to blended family life.

  1. For Strengthening Marriage in a Blended Family

christian parenting books for new parents

17. For Parenting & Fatherhood in a Blended Family

  • "Grace Filled Stepparenting: Helping Blended Families Thrive" – Laurie Polich Short

    • Helps dads balance discipline, love, and biblical leadership in a stepfamily.

  • "Stepfamilies: Love, Marriage, and Parenting in the First Decade" – James H. Bray & John Kelly

    • Offers insights on common struggles in the first 10 years of blending a family.

  • "Building Love Together in Blended Families: The 5 Love Languages and Becoming Stepfamily Smart" – Gary Chapman & Ron L. Deal

    • A must-read for dads wanting to connect deeply with stepchildren using their love language.

  1. For Helping Kids Adjust to a Blended Family

  • "Helping Children Survive Divorce" – Dr. Archibald Hart

    • A Christian guide for fathers helping kids heal after divorce and transition into a blended family.

  • "Co-Parenting Works! Helping Your Children Thrive After Divorce" – Tammy Daughtry

    • Provides biblical principles and strategies for co-parenting well, even in difficult situations.

parenting books for christian dads

The Best 'Christian Parenting Book' Is Life! And You Were Called To Do This Blessing

Brother, I know the weight of fatherhood can feel heavy sometimes. There are moments when you feel like you're getting it right, and then there are times when you wonder if you're failing completely. But hear me on this—God chose you to be your child’s father on purpose. You are the dad they need, even on the days you feel unqualified. Keep showing up. Keep loving them. Keep pointing them to Jesus, even when you’re tired, even when you’re unsure. 

You’re not in this alone, God is walking with you, strengthening you, and equipping you every step of the way. And when you need encouragement, wisdom, or just a reminder that what you’re doing matters, these books will be here to help you keep pressing forward. And if you’d like a faithful group of men to walk alongside you during your fatherhood joining, check out private, Christian brotherhood of men called the Real Men 300. We would love lock arms and shields with you.  So, stay faithful, stay encouraged, and stay in His grip!  Your impact is greater than you know.

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