As Seen On:
As a Member of Our Team of Brothers,
We Will Help You Become a Better
Husband, Father, and Spiritual Leader, GUARANTEED!
Who this is for:
Guys who think they've tried everything, and don't know what else to do
Guys who are looking for a team of men they can trust and who will hold them accountable
Guys who are humble, teachable, and ready to write their comeback story
Guys who are frustrated, and are tired of living below their God-given potential
Who this is NOT for:
Guys looking for a “quick-fix” for their problems
Guys that aren’t man enough to own their problem and admit they need help
Guys who love being "lone rangers" and doing life by themselves
Guys who are afraid of "doing the work" necessary to rebuild their lives
…If this is you, I beg you, please do NOT book a phone call. I will not be able to help you (no one will).
We GUARANTEE We Will Help You Become a Better, Stronger, More Godly Man
We’ll Donate a $100 to the Church or Men’s Group of Your Choice That Will
Here’s How:
Get You Connected to Christ (Matt 6:33)
We’ll teach you HOW to build a real, authentic, intimate relationship with Christ that goes beyond religion and just attending church.
Get You Connected to Community (Eccl 4:9,10)
We help you get connected IMMEDIATELY to a group of godly men who you can trust to motivate, encourage, challenge, and hold you accountable.
Get You Connected to Coaching & Counseling (Prov 27:17)
We’ll give you the education, training, and mentoring you need from godly men with more than 1,750+ years of combined manhood, husband, and parenting experience.
We do all of this by creating a safe, secure, confidential environment for you to share your struggles, grow through your frustrations, and excel in your faith as a man – free from shame, guilt, rejection, or condemnation (2 Cor 5:17).
The end result is a proven brotherhood that provides you with help and hope in life’s hardest places, so you can finally win at what matters the most to you as a man of God (John 16:33).