Join Our Team of Warriors Who Are Changing their Life for Christ!
The Real Men 300 is a select team of men who have agreed to partner with Real Men Connect (501-c3) to be professionally mentored, coached, and supported, so they can live stronger, love deeper, and lead their families better for Christ.
Here's What You Get When You Donate to the 300!
Men In Balance Private Group
FREE admission into a private community (on Facebook) of like-minded men who are committed to serving, supporting, and strengthening you in your development as a man.
You get to personally interact with Dr. Joe and others and participate in the daily group discussions and monthly challenges to help you become the man God and created you to be.
Gain access to Dr. Joe's online video course designed to provide real-life solutions for men in crisis. Courses are continuously under development, and as a 300 Warrior Partner, you will receive first notice when these courses are released. These courses are FREE to Gold Warrior Partners.
* Bronze Warriors receive a 20% discount

Laser Life Coaching
Every champion needs a coach, so you'll get one-on-one private laser coaching sessions with Dr. Joe (15-mins in duration) to immediately deal with your most pressing life challenge.
*Bronze Warriors receive ONE complimentary coaching session.
**Gold Warriors receive
UNLIMITED coaching sessions.
Real Men Restored Group
Get REAL accountability and support with Live weekly video group calls. Meet with men, just like you, to help you gain and sustain victory over your toughest challenges and personal hurts, habits, and hang-ups (including porn, alcohol, drugs, etc.). This is more than a "recovery group," it's a "restoration group" on steroids. It's spiritually intense, and the information shared is strictly confidential!
** Only available to Gold Warrior Partners
Give me just 300 men who fear nothing but God, hate nothing but sin, and are determined to know nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified, and we will set the world on fire.
- John Wesley
Videos for 300 Warriors:
Success Stories:
FAQs About the Real Men 300:
Honolulu, HI
Wayne C.
Reflecting back on my coaching sessions with Dr. Joe Martin, I can honestly say, I’ve gone through a spiritual transformation. More importantly, those closest to me will also attest to a noticeable change in my walk with Christ. I understand for some, the idea of a Christian coach may seem foreign. Honestly, at first, I wasn't even sure myself, but looking back now, I have no doubt God moved my heart to contact him.
Tampa, FL
Darius C.
Dr. Joe’s one-on-one coaching is filling a void in the lives of men. Too many men, including myself, don't or didn't have father figures or mentors in their lives. I’m so thankful Dr. Joe is one of my coaches, and his ministry has become a father to the fatherless. Thank you Dr. Joe for being obedient to God and for personally impacting my life.
Hope, AR
Bobby J.
Dr. Joe is the real deal. He always keeps his advice and counsel "real" and pulls no punches. I would highly recommend him as a coach. He has a passion for helping men become the men God wants them to be. He’s proven that by being a blessing to me and thousands of men all over the country. I just wish I had met him 20 years earlier.
Remember: You're not just giving to join the 300; you're donating to support our mission to help us mentor and disciple the next generation of men for Christ.
Will you help us?
By supporting and partnering with Real Men Connect for just $29/mo ($1/day), we'll provide and surround you with a proven TEAM of 300+ godly men, who will serve as your TEAMMATES and help you grow and mature in CHRIST. And if you're really serious about becoming a CHAMPION, for only $97/mo ($3 a day), we'll provide you with UNLIMITED one-on-one COACHING and spiritual COUNSELING for life!
(with coaching)
(without coaching)
Who is Dr. Joe Martin?

Dr. Joe is the creator and founder of Real Men Connect (501-c3), an award-winning speaker, published author, certified life coach, men’s ministry columnist, and a professionally-trained “man builder.” He’s also the host of the #1 radio podcast on iTunes for Christian men, called Real Men Connect with Dr. Joe, with more than 820,000 downloads, reaching men in more than 43 countries around the world. Over the past 24 years, Dr. Joe has spoken for more than 750 organizations, coached and trained more than 240,000 educators, and addressed more than 1.6 million students in 4 countries. He's been interviewed by several national publications, including USA Today, All-Pro Dad, LifeWay Men, and he's been invited as a regular guest expert on Moody Radio, as well as several ABC, NBC, and TBN affiliates.
Who is the Real Men 300 for?
The Real Men 300 is for any man or young adult who...
... desires to have a deeper relationship with Christ, but isn't quite sure how to do it.
... needs and wants a team of godly men around him who will stand by him and go to war with him.
... wants to build authentic, lasting, personal relationships with godly men (teammates) whom he can trust .
... is looking for a group of wiser men/man who will coach and mentor him along his journey as a man.
... wants the help of godly professionals (counselors) who can help him heal from the hurt, shame, and trauma of his past.
The Real Men 300 is one of the safest places where you can receive dependable guidance, support, and accountability from other godly men. So if you're tired of living life alone, struggling alone, hurting alone, and learning alone, then stop doing it alone - come do life with us. The 300 are men you can trust - who will love you, not judge you, correct you, not condemn you, and will encourage you, not enable you.
If you're still unsure, JUST CLICK HERE to take a quick 5-minute "Spiritual Check Up"
to see if The Real Men 300 can help you.
NOTE: A Real Men 300 membership would also be a great gift to a younger man who needs a "godly" role model!
Why is there a cost for membership?
There are several reasons why we're asking for a monthly donation to join the Real Men 300:
Your donation allows us to fund our ministry so we can continue to provide our existing services at no additional charge to any man who can’t afford to give. Some of our FREE services include: The Real Men Connect Podcast, our Real Men Connect mobile app, our 150+ YouTube Man-Training videos, our 125+ blog articles, The Real Men Spiritual Blueprint guide and the Are You the Man ebook, as well as other men’s resources. All of these resources and services are FREE to you and others, but it costs our ministry time and money to produce and deliver them to you.
As men, we value what we pay for, It’s much easier to take for granted and ignore something that didn’t cost you anything. For example, many Christians take their salvation for granted and abuse God's grace; not because they're bad Christians, but because it didn’t cost them anything. But the truth is, it cost Jesus everything.
A dollar amount allows you to put some “skin in the game” and makes you less likely to be passive after you join the 300. Cost usually equals commitment, and because you now have "skin in the game," you're more likely to UTILIZE the services we offer, APPLY what you learn, and SHARE what you learn with others - which is the purpose of true discipleship and disciple-making.
Your monthly donation allows us to continue to grow the Real Men 300 team and start more Brothers’ Keepers and Real Men Restored Groups across the country. And with your financial support, we would like to train, certify, and pay future group facilitators (maybe you - hint, hint) to lead one of our men's group as we expand our reach and increase our global impact on men and young men all across the world.
It's a wise investment of your financial resources. Be honest, most of us as men spend more money paying bills, rather than paying it forward; spend more on "growing out" (physically) rather than "growing up" (spiritually); and spend more on toys for pleasure rather than on tools for purpose to help us succeed in our roles as husbands, fathers, and spiritual leaders. This isn't a cost, your donation is an investment in yourself! Think about it, for less than $3.33 a day, you can dramatically change the course of your life or another young man's life. We call this sowing where your faith is growing.
Just consider the following:

Lakesite, TN
Joe Martin is a mighty man of God, and as a coach, he has guided me in being a spiritually stronger man, more loving husband, and a more attentive father. At the point I met him in my life, I know he was truly a God send. Trust me, my wife would agree! I highly recommend him as a coach.
Baton Rouge, LA
Just in the last 21 days, Coach Joe has helped me achieve a new sense of order in my life. I would recommend Joe because he understands the power of accountability and that every champion needs a coach! Joe will be firm, but at the same time, coach you with grace and mercy. He wants to see men win!
Should I join if I’m already part of a small men’s group?
If you’re currently in a men’s group, that’s great. Unfortunately, less than 10% of churches in America have men's ministries, and 99% of those ministries don’t have a strategic plan for mentoring and discipling their men, and they can't logistically offer this level of personal and group support and accountability to their men. If your current men’s group doesn’t provide professional mentorship, one-on-one coaching, weekly and monthly support, and strategic discipleship training, then we really encourage you to consider joining the Real Men 300. We’re not trying to replace or undermine your men’s ministry, recovery, or support group; we’re trying to enhance and support their effectiveness by filling in the gaps.
What is Men In Balance?
Imagine a social community on Facebook where you can learn how to be a better man, husband, father, or spiritual leader. We’ve turned social media into a spiritual success community for men, and we’re serious about it. Men In Balance is comprised of more Real Men 300 members from all over the country, who interact and engage with each other to share their successes, victories, as well as struggles. Our purpose is to make and insure that every man stays in God's divine order (balanced): Christ, Covenant, Children, Community, and Career (in that order). It's open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - so that means you're only a mouse click away from support. Think about it, you’re only one question away from your most pressing problem being addressed. Just call it "wisdom on tap."
What is Brothers’ Keepers?
Brother’s Keepers is an informal Christian men’s fellowship group that meets on a monthly basis. Led by Dr. Joe and his team of certified "Warrior Coaches," the purpose is to give men a safe, "judgement free" zone to discuss the tough stuff we face as men. It's a group where men can actually have fun talking about serious issues that matter most to them. Having successfully run a Brother’s Keepers group out of his home for the past 4 years, Dr. Joe decided to finally make this group virtual, by opening it up to men from all over the world. Each month, for one hour, these men get together (via video conferencing on Zoom) to have real discussions about real life. BK covers tough topics that most Christian men’s groups are afraid to tackle: from money to masturbation, anger to adultery, lust to lying, and everything in between - NO TOPIC IS OFF LIMITS. And because it's informal, you can choose to actively participate or just sit back, watch and listen; but trust us, it’ll be hard for you NOT to want to participate and join the fun once the discussion starts.
What is the Real Men Restored Group?
Real Men Restored is our best and most intense men's victory support group! If you’ve ever heard of Celebrate Recovery (CR), Alcoholic Anonymous (AA), Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) or similar type of support groups, then imagine a recovery/support group without the shame, sadness, or "weirdness." Having actively participated in these type of groups for more than 7 years himself, Dr. Joe has taken the best of what CR, AA, SAA, and similar groups have to offer and made the model even better. Here's how Real Men Restored is different:
Convenience: We bring the group to you in the comfort and privacy of your home, office, tablet, or cell phone. No more driving across town in traffic to meet in a basement of a church, afraid of who may see you.
Confidence: No more labels identifying you with your behavior. We focus on restoring your identity in Christ, not reaffirming your addictions, hurts, habits, and hang-ups. We will constantly remind you, that you're NOT what you DO, but who God says you ARE.
Commitment: Since there's a membership fee attached to the group, that means each man is committed to his own success as well as yours. So no more sharing your secrets and struggles with a group where the faces change every week because of a lack of commitment. These men are serious!
Communication: You will receive real support, real advice, real accountability, and real encouragement from real survivors. No more emotional dumping and staying stuck without a "next step." In Real Men Restored, no man gets left behind.
Coaching: As a Gold Warrior Partner, you have unlimited laser life coaching sessions (see next question) with Dr. Joe, which means you can schedule one-on-one coaching calls to discussion your challenges BEFORE they become a crisis.
Conquering: Our group's mission is to help you LIVE in victory over sin every day, not just WALK in freedom from sin every other day or for several days. So no more white knuckling, trying NOT to sin, and counting your days of sobriety and feeling bad for having to "start all over" if you relapse. The only day that matters to our group is your victory over sin TODAY!
Christ Centered: Our group is Christ focused, not "crisis" focused. Meaning, we will always be more concerned about your relationship with Christ rather than your relapses with sin.
Real Men Restored meets every week for one hour via video conference call (on Zoom).
NOTE: Each group is limited to only 12 men, and is available to Gold Warriors Partners only.
What is Laser Life Coaching?
Laser coaching is a 15-minute one-on-one coaching call in which you and Dr. Joe will work on one specific issue that is getting in your way and impeding your progress or keeping you from achieving success. We know there are times when you need help immediately, and you simply can’t spend months or hours looking for an answer. That's why Laser Coaching is so effective. If you're not familiar with Laser Coaching, it's useful (for example) in some of the following situations:
You need a quick boost of motivation or self-confidence for something you’re about to do, start, or launch.
You quickly need a sounding board or spiritual advice for a tough decision you are about to make.
You remember the goals you set for yourself in your last coaching session, but you can’t find the willpower or self-discipline to follow through on them.
You just received bad news, or you're spiritually stuck, and you need to quickly find clarity on how to move forward and breakthrough.
You're struggling with a personal or professional challenge, and you need the "next step" and the confidence to take it.
You simply want to share a success you've just experienced, and you need someone to celebrate with you.
The Laser Life Coaching sessions with Dr. Joe, alone, is worth the entire membership, because donating to us is A LOT cheaper than counseling, less time consuming, and less intrusive. Every session will end with a goal you set and an action step for you to take. And Dr. Joe will provide you with an mp3 recording of each coaching call, so you can always go back and listen to it as often as you like.
Note: Bronze Warrior Partners get ONE Session, and all Gold Warrior Partners get Unlimited Sessions. Due to this highly-personalized service, each session with Dr. Joe is scheduled by appointment only (on a first come, first reserve basis).
Can I donate to the 300, but give my membership to another man/young man?
Yes, absolutely.
Just because you donate to the 300 doesn’t mean you have to personally participate in the groups or take advantage of all the products and services. You can sign up any man/men whom you think needs mentoring, coaching, accountability, and support. In fact, a Real Men 300 membership would be a great gift to a young man who needs a "godly" role model! However, to protect the integrity of all of our groups, we do ask that you NOT sign up anyone without their permission. Just let them know what the Real Men 300 is all about by sending them a link to this page: http://www.RealMen300.com or by clicking one of the share buttons at the bottom of this page - and if they're interested in being a part of the 300, we’ll take it from there. We just need their name and email address. We also encourage you to share this resource with any single mom you know who has teenage boys. Trust us, she'll thank you for it later.
Can I join at one level and switch to another?
Yes, you can. Just notify us by contacting us here, and we'll send you the appropriate link to switch.
However, if you decide to go from Gold Warrior to Bronze Warrior, you can no longer participate in the Real Men Restored group. And if you decide to rejoin as a Gold Warrior Partner, there's a possibility you might NOT be able to join your former group and will have to be reassigned to a new group.
What happens if I want to cancel my membership?
You simply click a button to cancel. That’s it! And you still get to keep everything you received from us (i.e., the Man-to-Man weekly devotional, T-shirt, etc.); however, for the privacy of our members, you will no longer be allowed to participate in the Brothers Keepers and Real Men Restored Groups. And if you decide to rejoin later, there's a possibility you may NOT be able to join your former group and will have to be reassigned to another group.
What if I don't want a membership, I just want to give to support this ministry?
No problem. Any amount you choose to give would be greatly appreciated and is tax deductible.
Just CLICK HERE to donate, and we thank you for your generosity and pray that your blessing to us returns to you 100 fold.