Reclaiming Confidence with Gods Word
In a survey conducted with more than 1,500 married women, they were asked what they found most attractive about their spouse? Surprisingly enough, physical appearance wasn’t # 1 however, confidence (not cockiness) was. And just for the record: a sense of humor was # 2 (i.e., someone who makes her laugh).
If you consider yourself a confident man, then this fact doesn’t surprise you. However, if you struggle with confidence, like I used to, you probably wish confidence was sold in bottles, because you would keep an endless supply stacked in your garage.
But seriously, when it comes to Christian men, confidence should be synonymous with our faith. Why? Because confidence is not rooted in our own abilities, but in the assurance that God is with us and working through us. Whether we’re facing challenges in our personal lives, stepping into leadership roles, or seeking courage to pursue our calling, prayer can be a powerful tool to build our confidence.
Through prayer (not false bravado or manufactured masculinity), we can invite God’s strength into our hearts, aligning our will with His, and trusting that He will guide and equip us for whatever lies ahead.
So, I want to share with you 7 powerful prayers I believe will help you strengthen and deepen your confidence in Christ, thus empowering you to walk boldly and faithfully in your relationship with others.

Prayer for Confidence and Wisdom
Let’s start with praying for your mind and how you think about yourself:
“In the name of Jesus, I take authority over my thought life. Even though I walk (live) in the flesh, I am not carrying on my warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons. For the weapons of my warfare are not physical (weapons of flesh and blood), but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds.
I refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the (true) knowledge of God; and I lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed One. With my soul I will bless the Lord with every thought and purpose in life. My mind will not wander out of the presence of God.
My life shall glorify the Father —spirit, soul, and body. I take no account of the evil done to me — I pay no attention to a suffered wrong. It holds no place in my thought life. I am ever ready to believe the best of every person. I gird up the loins of my mind, and I set my mind and keep it set on what is above — the higher things — not on the things that are on the earth.
Whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, I will think on and weigh and take account of these things — I will fix my mind on them. I have the mind of Christ, the Messiah, and do hold the thoughts (feelings and purposes) of His heart. In the name of Jesus, I will practice what I have learned and received and heard and seen in Christ and model my way of living on it, and the God of peace — of untroubled, undisturbed wellbeing — will be with me. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Prayer for Confidence in Gods Strength
Next, let’s pray for confidence over your negative emotions:
“Father, You are my Refuge and my High Tower and my Stronghold in times of trouble. I lean on and confidently put my trust in You, for You have not forsaken me. I seek You on the authority of Your Word and the right of my necessity. I praise You, the Help of my countenance and my God.
Lord, You lift up those who are bowed down. Therefore, I am strong and my heart takes courage. I establish myself on righteousness — right standing in conformity with Your will and order. I am far even from the thought of oppression or destruction, for I fear not. I am far from terror, for it shall not come near me.
Father, You have thoughts and plans for my welfare and peace. My mind is stayed on You, for I stop allowing myself to be agitated and disturbed and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled. In the name of Jesus, I loose my mind from wrong thought patterns. I tear down strongholds that have protected bad perceptions about myself. I submit to You, Father, and resist fear, discouragement, self-pity, and depression. I will not give place to the devil by harboring resentment and holding onto anger. I surround myself with songs and shouts of deliverance from depression, and I will continue to be an overcomer by the word of my testimony and the blood of the Lamb.
Father, I thank You that I have been given a spirit of power and of love and of a calm and well-balanced mind. I have discipline and self-control. I have the mind of Christ and hold the thoughts, feelings, and purposes of His heart. I have a fresh mental and spiritual attitude, for I am constantly renewed in the spirit of my mind with Your Word, Father.
Therefore, I brace up and reinvigorate and cut through and make firm and straight paths for my feet — safe and upright and happy paths that go in the right direction. I arise from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept me. I rise to new life; I shine and am radiant with the glory of the Lord.
Thank You, Father, in Jesus’ name, that I am set free from every evil work. I praise You that the joy of the Lord is my strength and stronghold! Hallelujah! Amen.”

Prayer for Confidence and Inner Peace
Here’s a prayer to give you confidence over your fears:
“Father, when I am afraid, I will put my confidence in You. Yes, I will trust Your promises. And since I trust You, what can mere man do to me? You have not given me a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline (sound judgment).
Therefore, I am not ashamed of the testimony of my Lord. I have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but I have received a spirit of adoption as a son, by which I cry out, “Abba! Father!”
Jesus, You delivered me, who, through fear of death, had been living all my life as a slave to constant dread. I receive the gift You left me — peace of mind and heart! And the peace You give isn’t fragile like the peace the world gives. I cast away troubled thoughts, and I choose not to be afraid. I believe in God; I believe also in You.
Lord, You are my Light and my Salvation; You protect me from danger — whom shall I fear? When evil men come to destroy me, they will stumble and fall! Yes, though a mighty army marches against me, my heart shall know no fear! I am confident that You will save me. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for bringing these things to my remembrance when I am tempted to be afraid. I will trust in my God. In the name of Jesus I pray, amen.”

Prayer for Confidence and Self Esteem
Pray this prayer to build your confidence even when you’re intimidated:
“Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus, confessing that intimidation has caused me to stumble. I ask Your forgiveness for thinking of myself as inferior, for I am created in Your image, and I am Your workmanship. Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is in me. Therefore, the power that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me and causes me to face life with hope and divine energy.
The Lord is my Light and my Salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the Strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Lord, You said that You would never leave me or forsake me. Therefore, I can say without any doubt or fear that You are my Helper, and I am not afraid of anything that mere man can do to me. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. If God is for me, who can be against me? I am free from the fear of man and public opinion.
Father, You have not given me a spirit of timidity — of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear — but You have given me a spirit of power and of love and of a calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control.
And I can do all things through Christ Who gives me the strength. Amen.”

Prayer for Confidence in Yourself
Do you need confidence overcoming fear of rejection? Then try this prayer:
“Lord, Your Son, Jesus, is my High Priest. He understands and sympathizes with my weaknesses and this excruciating pain of rejection. In His name I approach Your throne of grace with confidence, so that I may receive mercy and find grace to help me in my time of need. I ask You to forgive my sins, and I receive Your mercy; I expect Your healing grace to dispel the rejection I am suffering because of the false accusations and demeaning actions of another.
Father, Jesus was despised and rejected — a Man of Sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief. The grief of others turning against me and treating me as an outcast is consuming me, just as my rejection consumed Your Son, Who freely gave His life for me. Forgive me for turning my back on Jesus and looking the other way — He was despised, and I didn’t care. Yet it was my grief He bore, my sorrows that weighed Him down. He was wounded and bruised for my sins.
He was beaten that I might have peace; He was lashed, and with His stripes I was healed. In the face of rejection I will declare, “The Lord is my Light and my Salvation — whom shall I fear or dread? The Lord is the Refuge and Stronghold of my life — of whom shall I be afraid?”
I know right from wrong and cherish Your laws in my heart; I won’t be afraid of people’s scorn or their slanderous talk. Slanderous talk is temporal and fades away. Your Word will never pass away.
Father, I choose to look at the things that are eternal: Your justice and mercy shall last forever, and Your salvation from generation to generation. Your eyes are upon me, for I have right standing with You, and Your ears are attentive to my prayer. You spoke to me and asked, “Now who is going to hurt you if you are a zealous follower of that which is good?”
In my heart I set Christ apart as holy [and acknowledge Him] as Lord. I am always ready to give a logical defense to anyone who asks me to account for the hope that is in me, but I do it courteously and respectfully. I purpose [to see to it that] my conscience is entirely clear (unimpaired), so that, when I am falsely accused as an evildoer, those who threaten me abusively and revile my right behavior in Christ may come to be ashamed [of slandering my good life].
There is wonderful joy ahead, even though the going is rough for a while down here. These trials are only to test my faith, to see whether it is strong and pure. It is being tested as fire tests gold and purifies it — and my faith is far more precious to You, Lord, than mere gold; so if my faith remains strong after being tried in the test tube of fiery trials, it will bring me much praise and glory and honor on the day of Jesus’ return.
In spite of the rejection I have experienced, I declare that everything You say about me in Your Word is true: I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. I am chosen by You, my Father (Eph. 1:4). I am holy and without blame (Eph. 1:4). I am Your child according to the good pleasure of Your will (Eph. 1:5). I am accepted in the Beloved (Eph. 1:6). I am redeemed through the blood of Jesus (Eph. 1:7). I am a person of wisdom and prudence (Eph. 1:8). I am an heir (Eph. 1:11). I have a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ (Eph. 1:17). I am saved by Your grace (Eph. 2:5). I am seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:6). I am Your workmanship (Eph. 2:10). I am near to You by the blood of Christ (Eph. 2:13). I am a new creation (Eph. 2:15). I am of Your household (Eph. 2:19). I am a citizen of heaven (Eph. 2:19). I am a partaker of Your promises in Christ (2 Pet. 1:4). I am strengthened with might by Your Spirit (Eph. 3:16). I allow Christ to dwell in my heart by faith (Eph. 3:17). I am rooted and grounded in love (Eph. 3:17). I speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15). I am renewed in the spirit of my mind (Eph. 4:23). I am Your follower (Eph. 5:1). I walk in love (Eph. 5:2). I am light in You (Eph. 5:8). I walk circumspectly (Eph. 5:15). I am filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5:18). I am more than a conqueror (Rom. 8:37). I am an overcomer (Rev. 12:11). I am Your righteousness in Christ Jesus (1 Cor. 1:30). I am healed (1 Pet. 2:24). I am free (John 8:36). I am salt (Matt. 5:13). I am consecrated (1 Cor. 6:11 AMP). I am sanctified (1 Cor. 6:11). I am victorious (1 John 5:4). Everything You say about me is true, Lord. In Your name I pray, amen.

Confidence comes from knowing God’s will for your life; here’s a prayer to help you do that:
“Father, in Jesus’ name, I thank You that You are instructing me in the way I should go and that You are guiding me with Your eye. I thank You for Your guidance and leading concerning Your will, Your plan, and Your purpose for my life. I do hear the voice of the Good Shepherd, for I know You and follow You. You lead me in the paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake.
Thank You, Father, that my path is growing brighter and brighter until it reaches the full light of day. As I follow You, Lord, I believe my path is becoming clearer each day. Thank You, Father, that Jesus was made unto me wisdom. Confusion is not a part of my life. I am not confused about Your will for my life. I trust in You and lean not unto my own understanding. As I acknowledge You in all of my ways, You are directing my paths. I believe that as I trust in You completely, You will show me the path of life. Amen.”

Prayer for Confidence and Success
Finally, here’s a prayer for confidence to equip you for life success:
“Father, I thank You that the entrance of Your words gives light. I thank You that Your Word, which You speak (and which I speak), is alive and full of power —making it active, operative, energizing, and effective.
I thank You, Father, that [You have given me a spirit] of power and of love and of a calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control. I have Your power and ability and sufficiency, for You have qualified me (making me to be fit and worthy and sufficient) as a minister and dispenser of a new covenant [of salvation through Christ].
In the name of Jesus, I walk out of the realm of failure into the arena of success, giving thanks to You, Father, for You have qualified and made me fit to share the portion that is the inheritance of the saints (God’s holy people) in the light.
Father, You have delivered and drawn me to Yourself out of the control and the dominion of darkness (failure, doubt, and fear) and have transferred me into the Kingdom of the Son of Your love, in Whom there is good success [and freedom from fears, agitating passions, and moral conflicts]. I rejoice in Jesus Who has come that I might have life and have it more abundantly.
Today I am a new creation, for I am (engrafted) in Christ, the Messiah. The old (previous moral and spiritual condition) has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come! I forget those things that are behind me and reach forth unto those things that are before me. I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: And the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me.
Today I attend to the Word of God. I consent and submit to Your sayings, Father. Your words shall not depart from my sight; I will keep them in the midst of my heart. For they are life [success] to me, healing and health to all my flesh. I keep my heart with all vigilance, and, above all, that I guard; for out of it flow the springs of life.
Today I will not let mercy and kindness and truth forsake me. I bind them about my neck; I write them upon the tablet of my heart. So, therefore I will find favor, good understanding and high esteem in the sight [or judgment] of God and man.
Today my delight and desire are in the law of the Lord, and on His law I habitually meditate (ponder and study) by day and by night. Therefore, I am like a tree firmly planted [and tended] by the streams of water, ready to bring forth my fruit in my season; my leaf also shall not fade or wither, and everything I do shall prosper [and come to maturity].
Now thanks be to God, Who always causes me to triumph in Christ! In His name I pray, amen.”

The Power of Consistent Prayer For Confidence
As Christian men, our confidence doesn’t come from our own strength or abilities, but from trusting in God's unfailing promises. Through prayers, like the ones above, you can lay your fears and doubts before Him, knowing that He is faithful to provide the courage and confidence you need to face life’s challenges.
By consistently seeking God’s guidance and relying on His Word, we strengthen our faith and gain the boldness to pursue His purpose for our lives. Remember, true confidence is not the absence of fear, but the presence of God in the midst of it. As you continue to pray for confidence, trust that He will equip you to walk in faith, knowing that His strength is made perfect in your weakness.

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