Hey Man of Influence,
You have a vision, a passion, and a sense of destiny, and you won’t rest until you achieve it!
You are inspired to take the platform God has given you, the impact you’ve had, and take it to the next level!
Deep down you know the work you do isn't a job, it's a calling!
A calling to transform the lives of men, marriages, and families to impact the kingdom for Christ and to be all that God has called and created you to be in LIFE, in MINISTRY, in RELATIONSHIPS, and in the BODY OF CHRIST!
I know, it takes a lot to keep up with all you have on your plate. With your position of influence comes the full weight of ministry and leadership responsibilities, as well as the challenge to balance all the demands of spiritually leading your family.
Whether you’re working full-time, in ministry full-time like I am, or leading a ministry, you know it can be lonely and challenging, running towards a vision that’s bigger than you. It can also be tough to balance all the things you value and want to give time to.
That’s exactly why I created a unique, an exclusive “mastermind group” called:
Ministry Men of Influence
Marty Miller
Founder & Creator of
Blueprint for Men
I joined MMI because I tend to be the kind of guy that works really hard, which is really good, but I also tend to drift into isolation and not work smart. So, MMI helps me to work smarter and to be more successful through the collective wisdom of other ministry men. It's a simple yet powerful concept that reflects what we all know to be true... that "iron sharpens iron"! What guy wouldn't want to take advantage of a think-tank of men's ministry leaders? So if you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer, get sharper by joining a MMI group and watch your ministry take off!
Carl Stewart, M.A., LPC
Licensed Counselor & Author of
The Porn Antidote
A lot of coaches are more hype than help. Not Joe - he genuinely wants you to succeed, and he provides clear steps to help you get there. No “hand waving” and hoping you figure things out. Joe will instruct you, confront you and encourage you. Joe has helped me overcome barriers that years of effort, and other coaches, weren’t able to fix. I am thankful for MMI and that the Lord put Joe Martin in my life - and you will be too.
Dr. David Banks
Speaker, Author, Creator & Founder of Noble Leadership
I am a visionary and very driven. I have a passion to advance the Kingdom of God into the culture. One area I needed assistance in was a group of people who could understand this assignment and willing to assist me achieving it. I have known Dr. Joe Martin for a couple of years and when he approached me about the idea, I was sitting in a coffee shop praying asking God for help. I told Joe this was exactly what I was praying about. Being a part of this group and the one-on-one sessions have been transformational. It has brought clarity, confidence and creativity. The tips that I have received from this group has equipped me to book speaking engagements, create an email list and have brothers that hold me accountable.
WHAT IF: You had the support of that kind of mentor group? Your own personal Advisory Board that could help you work smarter, not harder, and solve problems as soon as they arise?
WHAT IF: You could learn from and network with some of the fastest growing and most successful ministry and business start-ups in the country on how to grow, market, and multiply your ministry message.
WHAT IF: That group was made up of Christ-centered men just like you...who know firsthand what it feels like to walk in your shoes?
WHAT IF: The man leading the group had a rock-solid resume of business and ministry success and coaching experience?
Ministry Men of Influence (MMI) is ...
more than just a high-level opportunity, although we'll leverage and share our resources, more than just brotherhood.
Although we'll definitely spend time building friendships!
MMI is designed to greatly enhance your progress through the power of Christian men working together - combining the experience of ALL the members to solve problems, share advice, consider different perspectives, and achieve goals with greater results than trying to do it all by yourself!
Just think about it...
What could you do?
Answer: Just about anything you put your mind to!

I AM: A grateful sinner, saved-by-grace, and committed follower of Jesus Christ.
I AM: Blessed to be the husband of my best friend, Tonya Martin.
I AM: The proud father of two children, my son, Kendall and daughter, Faythe.
I AM: A full-time speaker, author, entrepreneur, life and business coach and
multi-ministry group leader. -
I AM: Passionate about mentoring and discipling men who know that their ministry or
business can make a tremendous impact in the lives of men and their families. -
I AM: Someone who enjoys helping men live passion-filled, purpose-driven lives and
coaching them to up-level their success, impact, and influence.
Since I'm going to be your coach and group facilitator...
I want to share a little more about myself and my background...
Over the past 24+ years, I've gained so much business and ministry-building experience, having earned well over $2.2 million dollars during my career as a full-time speaker, author, and trainer. I've owned and operated 3 successful businesses, including retail, event planning, and public relations, and I now host the #1 radio podcast on iTunes for Christian men in the world. I have also equipped myself with a strong resume of training certifications, mentoring, and disciple-making credentials.
Now I'm using that experience while running an international, multi-media men’s ministry Real Men Connect, Inc. 501-c3 and I’ve created something NEW!
Something designed just for Christian men who have a vision and passion for ministry, not just business, to give them an opportunity to come together once a month to learn, grow and support each other as they expand their ministries and their business.
But, I want to do even more than that, I want to offer private one-on-one coaching where I help you stay on course and apply all the new information and ideas you learn to your specific ministry/business situation.
Just like you, I know what it’s like to try to juggle all the demands of life. Together, we along with other Christian men will be helping each other gain the clarity we need to keep the right things at the top of our “to do” lists, and stay out of overwhelm.
I believe you may be a perfect fit for this group; if so, I know this group has the power to make a tremendous difference in your ministry/business and your life.
How do I know?
I've participated in a number of mastermind groups over the past 20 years and seen
firsthand the value of this kind of coaching. In fact, I am currently in three groups (been in one of
them for the past 4 years) devoted to honing my own skills of being a group leader!
I know the power of the process and I have to tell you...without my mastermind groups, I’m
not sure I would have stepped out on faith to make MMI a reality.
That’s why I chose the tagline: A Kingdom-Building Band of Brothers! Because we can
always achieve more together (in community as a team) than we can when we go it alone.
16 Reasons Why You Should Join the
Ministry Men of Influence Mastermind Group:
You need to upgrade your peer group.
You need to be around a group of ministry-minded men who are doing do what you’re trying to do.
You need a group of men around you who understand your struggles in ministry.
You need bold men around you who are pursuing their God-given passion, not just a paycheck.
You will learn from men who are further down the ministry path than you are.
Your life will be a direct reflection of the expectations of your peer group. – Anthony Robbins
You will save time AND money by NOT learning through trial and error.
You can learn from the FAILURES and MISTAKES of others in the group.
You will always know the “next right thing” to do when you don’t know what to do next.
You will build your God-confidence through the motivation, support, and accountability of the other members in the group.
You can borrow from the education of everyone in the group by learning from the education THEY'VE already PAID for.
You get to share and gain access to the human and technical resources of everyone else in your group.
You will always be inspired to take action, because the group won’t let you procrastinate, burnout, or quit.
You will accomplish more in one year through the participation in a healthy Mastermind Group than you can ever hope to achieve in a lifetime without a Mastermind Group. – Napolean Hill
You will always be learning something new at every meeting.
Where there is no guidance, a people fall, but in an abundance of counselors there is victory. – Proverbs 11:14
Here are just some of the things you will learn by joining the MMI Brotherhood:
Platform & List building
The most important skill in the long-term success of your ministry.
Product Creation
The second most important skill in sustaining ministry.
Social Media Marketing Strategies
Leverage your time and influence on social media.
Selling & Closing Strategies
The second most important skill in sustaining ministry.
Fundraising Strategies
To continually get people to financially support your cause.
Podcasting & Radio Broadcasting
How I made it to #1 in my niche.
Speaking Strategies
Not how to speak, but how to get paid to speak!
Publishing & Writing For Christian Publications
Why everyone needs to write at least one book.
Personal Coaching
I’ve been self-employed for 24+ years, by choice!
Web Site Creation
The most overlooked component in growing a ministry.
Generating Passive Streams of Revenue
So you can work less and earn more.
Outsourcing Effectively
To stop unnecessarily wasting time and money.
Cross Promotion
I.E., third-party endorsements for instant credibility.
Ministry or Business Promotion
Through my #1-rated podcast (we will be ministry partners).
Steven Hisey
Ministry & Leadership Coach
I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you. I have not been part of this Mastermind Group very long, but it is making a huge difference in my life. Today, I signed the biggest client since I started ministry coaching. This all happened because of several things: developing a 30-second pitch, clarifying my mission, knowing my Avatar, and creating steps for the ascension model. Thanks for helping me figure all this out, for holding me accountable, and for challenging me. Officially signing this client was huge, but it goes beyond the financial, because of the things I've learned in MMI, lives are going to be impacted, struggling pastors are going to find hope, marriage are going to improve, churches will become healthier, relationships between parent and child will be restored, and so much more. Thank you for helping me so that I can help others continue to make a kingdom impact.
Eric Terry Sr.
Certified Marriage Coach & Author of Real Talk for Men
I am a Certified Marriage Coach, an author, a leader, husband and father. For the past few years, I have been interviewed by several nationally syndicated shows all in an effort to get myself known in this arena and to generate speaking engagements. Finally, Dr. Joe Martin comes along with Ministry Men of Influence. This group has caused me to stop in my tracks and rethink EVERYTHING!! Joe is helping us to do it properly. With every call, comes new ideas that continue to have you firing off ideas to help build the platform that you seek. The value of what you will learn can't be monetized. If you're not willing to be challenged, don't join this group. But if you say, "I need to be challenged," then this is the group for you!"
Frederic Gray
Speaker, Founder & President of the Father/Daughter Retreat
Making the decision to be part of Ministry Men of Influence (MMI) is one of the greatest things I have ever done in my life. Dr. Joe is breaking everything down, piece by piece, and showing me how to walk on the path he has already forged to create a dynamic men's ministry...but tailor-made for me! He is honest, supportive, doesn't judge you, and will challenge you in ways that encourage you and also show you what steps to take to move forward, and he will guide you. Being part of MMI has helped me zero in on where I can be most effective in my ministry, based on who I am, what my greatest assets are, and what I have to offer. MMI is a vehicle God is using to answer my prayers and help me fulfill my dreams to change the world and leave a lasting legacy of life-changing impact with my family, and with men.
Due to the nature of mastermind groups, we can only allow a limited number of members.
We devote a lot of time to providing every MMI Member the
support he needs...
It's the best way to ensure that we maintain a tight bond with everyone and can give each member laser-focused support to help him achieve his goals.
But it also means we have to put a strict limit on the number of members we can work with at any given time.
There's so much value you receive in working with a team and an individual coach. Someone who's dedicated his life to helping you become the husband, father, spiritual, and ministry leader God called and created you to be.
Apply below and tell us a little bit about yourself, we want to hear from you to see if MMI is a good fit for you or not.
If you qualify, we'll set up a phone call to discuss your unique vision and challenges in ministry to help you breakthrough to the next level..
So, if you're curious, reserve your spot and apply now!