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Real Men 300 is an online Christian mens group and ministry that provides the training and brotherhood you need to win at marriage, fatherhood, leadership, and your walk with God.

Online Christian Men's Group

Online Christian Men's Group

Ready to Connect Deeper with God & Other Christian Men?

Great! Let me ask you this first....


Is There a Gap Between Your God-Given Dream and Your Daily Reality?

Be honest with yourself. Are you...

  • Disconnected from your wife and kids when you come home?

  • Caught in endless cycles of the same arguments with your spouse?

  • Battling frustration in nearly every area of your life?

  • Watching your life spiral downward, feeling powerless to stop it?

  • Struggling to earn your children's respect and appreciation?

  • Walking in your faith but feeling like a hypocrite?

  • Fighting a losing battle against porn, alcohol, or other addictions?

  • Living a life that looks nothing like what you envisioned?

  • Trying to balance spiritual leadership with financial provision?

  • Tempted to just give up and throw in the towel?

I get it. I've been there.

Life wasn't supposed to be this hard.


But here's the REAL truth: you were never meant to fight these battles alone.

Most church men's groups are doing great work, but they often lack the resources to provide what men truly need: consistent, strategic mentoring and accountability. Even active church members find themselves needing more support than a weekly Bible study can offer.

That's where Real Men 300 comes in.

We provide what most men's ministries can't:

  • Professional one-on-one coaching

  • Weekly group mentoring

  • Strategic discipleship training

  • Consistent accountability

  • 24/7 brotherhood support

We don't replace your church's men's ministry - we enhance it.


Think of us as the daily support system that fills the gaps in your spiritual growth journey.

Ready to join the brotherhood you've been praying for?

Professional Coaching | Authentic Connection | Real Community/Accountability

The Real Men 300 exists for one reason only...

To help you be the man, husband, father, and leader God called and created you to be.


Think about the greatest champions and men you most admire and respect. For me they are...

  • Christian: Howard Mintz (My Spiritual Mentor)

  • Leader: John Maxwell (NY Times Best-Selling Author)

  • Athlete: David Robinson (NBA Hall of Famer)

  • Celebrity: Denzel Washington (Oscar Award-Winning Actor)

Guess what all of those men have in common? 

A spiritually-mature man to mentor and coach them, a committed team of godly men supporting them,

and a close circle of trusted teammates standing beside them.

The question is, who's on your team?

  • WHO IS Coaching and Mentoring You?

  • WHO IS Training and Pushing You?

  • WHO IS Encouraging and Supporting You?

  • WHO IS Growing and Sharpening You?

Proverbs 18:1

"Any man who isolates himself from others seeks

his own desires; he fights against all sound wisdom."

Translation: A man who thinks he can succeed without help is a foolish man.












Mastermind Coaching Calls

You’ll have an opportunity to participate in Live Weekly, Video Conference Coaching Calls with other men just like you. You’ll receive professional coaching from Dr. Joe Martin (who more than 1,120+ hours of coaching experience) and other designated experienced leaders in the organization with real-life, battle-tested experience as husbands, fathers, spiritual leaders.     
All information shared on these calls is confidential.

Real Support

You'll get immediately plugged into a community of men (small groups) who will help you gain and sustain victory over some of your toughest challenges, personal hurts, habits, and hang-ups including porn, low-self esteem, alcohol, anger, and drugs.  We offer four (4) different meeting days and times EVERY week, so you can always stay connected to the support you need when you need it the most. 

Champion Mentoring

You’ll be given admission to our private, Real Men 300 online Facebook community, a brotherhood of  like-minded Christian men who are ALL committed to serving, supporting, and strengthening you in your development as a man. You'll also be assigned a designated "Best Man" to check-in on you weekly.  You get to interact with Dr. Joe (weekly) and other men who are personally vested in our group.  There is no outsider; every member in the group has "skin in the game."  You'll be able t0 participate in daily discussions and get daily help, and the best part about this community is that it's open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  

All information shared in the group is confidential!


As a part of your membership, you will have full access to Real Men Connect online video vault of courses* designed to provide real-life solutions for men in crisis.  These master classes are continuously under development (currently 21), and as a 300 Warrior Partner, you will receive first notice when new courses are released.  All courses are included with your membership

Man-Mastery Classes

Alvin Merritt - Austin, TX

Alvin Merritt - Austin, TX

Play Video
Dr. Kevin Augustine - Buffalo, NY

Dr. Kevin Augustine - Buffalo, NY

Play Video
Dustin Clark - Maybank, TX

Dustin Clark - Maybank, TX

Play Video
Stephen Payne - Atlanta, GA

Stephen Payne - Atlanta, GA

Play Video

Due to the Demand, We Can Only Take On a Limited Number of Members.

We provide every Real Men 300 member with the support he needs...


This is the best way to ensure we maintain a tight bond with each member and can give laser-focused support to help you achieve your goals. 


However, this means we must put a strict limit on the number of members we work with at any given time.

Working with an individual coach is invaluable. You'll be encouraged by someone who's dedicated his life to helping you become the best husband, father, and spiritual leader God created you to be, so you can love, lead, and leave a legacy for generations.

Just click the button below to get started, and see if the Real Men 300 is a good fit for you.


Here are Some Common Questions About the Real Men 300.

Who is Dr. Joe Martin?

men-support-groups - Joe Martin Christian Coach

Who is Real Men 300 for?


Dr. Joe is the creator and founder of Real Men Connect (501-c3), an award-winning international speaker, published author, certified life coach, men’s ministry columnist, and a professionally-trained “man builder.”

He’s also the host of Real Men Connect with Dr. Joe the #1-ranked podcast on Apple Podcasts for Christian men. His podcast has more than 3.7 million downloads and reaches men in more than 136 countries around the world.


Over the past 24 years, Dr. Joe has spoken for more than 750 organizations, trained more than 260,000 educators, and addressed more than 1.8 million students in 4 countries.


He's been interviewed by several national publications, including USA Today, Promise Keepers, and LifeWay Men, and he's a guest expert on Moody Radio, as well as several ABC, NBC, and TBN affiliates. 

Our program is NOT for everyone, certainly not for men who are dabblers, struggle to meet their personal or financial commitments, and not serious about their personal and spiritual growth. 


Our program is FOR serious men who want to stop losing in the most important areas of their lives and are ready to put in the work to grow into the strongest version of themselves.

We've helped thousands of men, so there is no reason we can't help you.

Real Men 300 is for men of all ages who: 

  • Desires to have a deeper relationship with Christ, but not quite sure how to do it.

  • Needs a team of godly men who will stand by him.

  • Wants to build an authentic, lasting, personal relationship with trustworthy godly men. 

  • Is looking for a group of wiser men who will coach and mentor him along his journey.

  • Wants the counsel and help of godly professionals who can help him heal from the hurt, shame, and trauma of his past. 


Real Men 300 is one of the safest places to receive dependable guidance, support, and accountability from other godly men.  

The 300 are men you can trust.
They will love you, not judge you.

They will correct you, not condemn you.
They will encourage you, not enable you. 

How long is the program?

What if I don't have time?

Man in glasses with clock

The Real Men 300 program is as long as you want it to be.

There's no designated length of time or duration.  Success is a journey, not a destination; you stay in the Real Men 300 for as long as you choose and as long as you find value in it.

"Christianity without change is pointless, and faith without follow through is just foolish."


That's why we're selective about whom we accept into the Real Men 300. We don't want this to be "just another thing to do" on your "Christian To-Do List."
We won't waste your time.


"We're about helping real men achieve real change by getting real results."


You bring the commitment, we'll provide the support.

You're probably thinking...

"I don't have time for this right now."


Let me ask you… 
When will you ever have the time?

If you continue putting off the actions that you know will help you change your life and hiding behind excuses you’ve used for years, then how long will it be before you finally realize that the "right" time will never come?

You have to make the time. 

High-achieving men typically spend most of their time making a living, and that causes them to forget to live.

Life's too short to spend your limited time working on succeeding at things that won't matter in eternity.

"Being the man, husband, father, and leader God created you to be, does."  



Real Men Connect is a (501-c3)
©Copyright 2015, All rights reserved.

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